"Everything is as it should be."

                                                                                  - Benjamin Purcell Morris



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Follow me on Twitter: Michael McCaffrey @MPMActingCo

Dispatches from the Shitshow: Vices and a Stunning Lack of Virtues


 Oh boy…silly season is in full swing now.

So, two weeks ago there’s an assassination attempt on Trump, and then a week later Biden is kicked to the curb (as a side note – am I the only one who noticed that when Biden gave his speech about dropping out of the election, he never said WHY he was dropping out…hmmmm). And we still have more than three long months until election day.

Trump getting shot in the ear and Biden getting tossed on his rear may be the biggest events of this election, or they may be forgotten amongst the hurricane of insanity yet to ensue. Considering the assassination attempt on Trump became old news in about 48 hours, and Biden’s presidential bid was, like Biden’s mind, turned into a distant faded memory in less than a day, one can expect a perfect storm of chaos lies ahead.

Vice President Kamala Harris now takes the reins as the presumptive Democratic nominee, which should make this an even sillier silly season.

Kamala is an extraordinarily vacuous, vapid and venal woman. She is the liberal version of Sarah Palin with a generous serving of George W. Bush thrown in. She is a climber, a hack, a charisma-less dullard and dumb-ass and is not even remotely ready for prime time. She is also as unlikable as unlikable can be, mostly because she is such a transparent phony.

All that said…make no mistake…she most definitely could win.

What I assume will happen is that the media will go all out to protect her and celebrate her. We are already seeing them sticking to the “she was never the border czar” propaganda point, which is painfully absurd. No doubt her poll numbers will climb and she’ll be carried by her good press.

But if things start to go bad, if the bloom comes off the rose and she bumbles and stumbles for the next month and into September, then the deep state will need to make some moves to ensure their girl Friday gets the big gig. Which means we could see more palace intrigue…up to and including Biden resigning (or being forced to resign) as President and Kamala getting to sit in the big seat.

This would do a multitude of things for her, especially if she’s struggling on the campaign trail. First it would make her seem presidential…because she’d actually be president.

Secondly, it would get her off the campaign trail – which has never been her strong suit. She could be “so busy” as President, and take the job so seriously that she couldn’t reduce herself to campaigning, and could leave that to liberal heavyweights like the Obamas, who are very good at it.

This gets us into another uncomfortable topic, which is how can we make Kamala seem presidential when she’s not remotely presidential, and in a short period of time? Well, you have Biden resign, then a major event happens, or have a major event happen and then Biden resigns. So, what I’m talking about is a massive terror attack – in the U.S. or at the Olympics or something like that, or a major military operation (in other words a war) against the villain du jour…be it Yemen, Iran, Russia or some other mustache twisting “evil-doer” from some axis of nefariousness conjured in the back rooms of Langley and/or Tel Aviv. So buckle up…things could get even bumpier.

Speaking of which, I found Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress to be utterly repulsive. Netanyahu, who of course banged the drum for war with Iran, is a repugnant pig and grotesque excuse for a human being. That the sycophants and sociopaths in Congress all bowed down to their genocidal master lays bare the fact that our nation is bought and paid for by their zionist paymasters. How many of these groveling cowards do the Israelis have blackmail information on? My guess is the vast majority – thank you Jeffrey Epstein!!

The most disgusting display was by Pennsylvania’s own meathead Senator John Fetterman. Fetterman had a stroke during his campaign in 2022, and that was on top of being a retard to begin with, so now he’s got nothing but month-old brisket between his ears.

Fetterman’s favorite game is to dress like a homeless guy and go to work at the Senate in shorts and a hoodie in order to represent his constituents – none of whom would disrespect the Senate by dressing so disgracefully. It’s part of Fetterman’s “I’m a working man” shtick, which, if you know his life story, is complete bullshit.

Fetterman showed the world who the boss of the USA is when he showed up to Netanyahu’s speech wearing…you guessed it…a suit…because you wear a suit when the boss is in the office. Fetterman is everything that is wrong with Congress…he’s a ridiculously unserious man and his slavish adoration of the war criminal Netanyahu, and apartheid Israel only speaks to his deep moral and ethical rot.

Speaking of rot…how about that JD Vance? Vance is the Republican nominee for Vice President. Vance is the least interesting person to ever have a remotely interesting life story. He looks like a douchebag and when he speaks, he sounds like a douchebag…which may be a strong indicator that he is, in fact, a douchebag.

Vance wrote a book about his life, “Hillbilly Elegy”, which was made into a movie which was directed by Ron Howard and starred Glenn Close and Amy Adams.

Hillbilly Elegy is one of the very worst films of the 21st Century, which maybe speaks to the future if we get JD as VP. On the bright side there’s a very funny false story going around about how he fucked a couch when he was a kid…which makes me laugh whenever it’s mentioned. So there’s that.

Hillbilly Elegy is available to stream on Netflix, but unfortunately there’s no couch fucking scene in it, if there were I’d recommend it. I have recommended the film in recent days but only so people can watch it to see how atrocious it really is. As bad a candidate as JD Vance is…he’s a better candidate than Ron Howard is a filmmaker.

The reason Trump picked Vance is obvious, Vance is such a small presence, a beta male to the extreme, with all the magnetism of a tumbleweed, that Trump seems bigger and more dynamic next to him.

Vance could also be a sacrificial lamb. Vance has no constituency and no one gives a shit about him one way or the other, so if Trump is failing and flailing he could simply cut Vance loose and replace him in order to inject some action into his campaign and garner his favorite fuels – chaos and attention.

And finally, this past week the director of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheatle, testified in front of Congress regarding the assassination attempt on Trump.

Ms. Cheatle’s testimony was, to be kind, an absolute train wreck. Cheatle is one of those aggressively incompetent bureaucrats that has no idea what she is doing or even what she should be doing. A day or so after her disastrous testimony, she resigned as head of the Secret Service.

What interested me about the Cheatle hearing though was not how atrocious she was…but how unanimous the opposition to her was. Red flags go up all over the place for me when both sides of the political aisle are so in-sync on any topic, and the blistering attacks on Cheatle signified less a unity on the topic than an organized distraction from the real topic.

Ms. Cheatle is a convenient, and frankly well-deserving, scapegoat, but she got off essentially scot-free (yes, she lost her job but she’ll get another one – somewhere), and won’t have her feet held to the fire any more.

Cheatle’s incompetence was so staggering, and the opposition to her so unified, that one can’t help but read between the lines and see that this whole fiasco will be quickly forgotten, and any real investigation into the assassination attempt on Trump will be scuttled…all of which is standard operating procedure for the intelligence community. There’s lots of subterfuge, lots of conspiracy theories, lots of official paper pushing and hollering, and then poof…it’s all over and no one is any wiser, and we are all left further from the truth than when we began.

Regardless of all my rambling in the previous paragraphs, the bottom line for me is still this…I simply don’t see Trump being allowed to be president come January 2025. I still don’t know who will be president, I just don’t think it will be Trump. Take that information for what it’s worth…and I’ll see you next time on Dispatches from the Shitshow!!
